
Moving beyond averages: uncertainty and variability analysis in industrial ecology

Uncertainty and variability are inevitable in studying the environmental impacts of society's use of resources. This was the subject of a Special Session "Moving beyond averages: uncertainty and variability analysis in industrial ecology", which I co-chaired together with [Dr Jonathan Cullen](https://www-diva.eng.cam.ac.uk/directory/joncullen), [Leo Paoli](http://www.eng.cam.ac.uk/profiles/lp457) and [Dr David Laner](http://iwr.tuwien.ac.at/en/resources/staff/scientific-staff/profile/Laner/), at the [International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) conference](http://isie-issst2017.uic.edu/) in Chicago in June 2017. This post summarises the session, and collects the results of the discussion with the session participants.

Incremental Material Flow Analysis with Bayesian Inference

Material flow analysis (MFA) is widely used to study the life cycles of materials from production, through use, to reuse, recycling, or disposal, in order to identify environmental impacts and opportunities to address them. However, development of …